Becoming Road

Becoming Road

Friday, May 25, 2012

....morning {GLORY}

I just recently had a conversation with my friend about morning glory, the obnoxious weed that wants to live at my house....everywhere. (flower beds, grass, in my air conditioner!!!) She said our local garden nursery told her that if you want to get rid of morning glory,....move. Apparently it is a very stubborn ground cover weed prevelant in these parts and we are doomed to put up with it. I guess it could be a nice ground cover if you didn't want to plant anything else. It literraly will wrap itself around everything and will eventually kill your plants. For three years I have been outside weeding my flower beds daily only to find new sprouts and vines all over the next morning. It is crazy! This year,....we have a plan!
Another friend swears by newspaper as a prevention against weeds including morning glory!  As long as you don't plant anything new for a year,..we have been promised that this pesky weed will not be able to return.  We put down four layers of newspaper (after treating the areas with weed/grass killer) and then....

....we finished it off with mulch!  Hopefully this plan will work!  No pretty flowers going in this year!  Hey,...we have too make sacrifices for the greater good... right?!

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